Muito gradicido

Bem povo, tava olhando pelo blog e fui olhar as estatísticas do blog, passamos de 13500 views e somos internacionais agora lol
Sim, e eu vejo um crescimento de acessos vindo dos US e da terrinha Portugal, ou seja, mais postagens in english e com sotaque português, a imagem abaixo são os acessos no total do blog, valeu aí galera e estamos trabalhando muito pra expandir novos horizontes, e now we are the Mr Worldwide, é agente agora!!

Well people, I was looking through the blog and I look at the stats of the blog, we went from 13,500 views and are international now lol
Yes, and I see an increase of hits coming from the U.S. and Portugal piece of land, or more posts in english and with a Portuguese accent, the image below are the total hits on the blog, thanks guys there and we are working hard to expand new horizons, and now we are the Mr Worldwide, an agent now!


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A influência da tecnologia no sedentarismo

ABOUT:Rock & Roll Racing